Trusted by leading global brands

How It Works

Our trained AI moderators automatically identify consumers, conduct 30-minute individual in-depth interviews,
and provide you with an actionable report summary, all within 24 hours. Find out how it works here.

How It Works

Our trained AI moderators automatically identify consumers, conduct 30-minute individual in-depth interviews,
and provide you with an actionable report summary, all within 24 hours. Find out how it works here.


Stimulus Upload

Upload stimuli to get direct qualitative consumer feedback on your creatives, useful to test your ad, concept or pack design.

Chat with AI Report

Ask AI to filter through chat transcripts to gage consumer sentiment specific to your research questions.

Advanced Targeting

Narrow down your target audience by selecting questions to filter out your audience in order to better connect with your consumer.
See the AI-powered Qualitative Market Research in action with a personalised demo.

What our clients are saying about us

Discover the genuine experiences and heartfelt testimonials of those who have entrusted us with their needs and aspirations.

What our clients are saying about us

Discover the genuine experiences and heartfelt testimonials of those who have entrusted us with their needs and aspirations.
